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Daily briefing circle for wildland firefighters

IGNIS Connect

Add Collaboration to the Most Comprehensive Situational Awareness Tool on the Fireline

Turning Situational Awareness Into a Common Operating Picture

IGNIS Connect: Powered by Ditto Mesh Networking, True Collaboration Has Come to the Fireline with Automated Sync and Sharing, Paving the Way for Integrated Teamwork.

Ignis Connect icon

Built-in Ditto Mesh Network

Where offline collaboration meets the fireline, IGNIS Connect shares vital information with a built in Ditto Mesh Network, ensuring every firefighter has the critical data necessary to make informed decisions.

Yellow topography lines background image
IGNIS app iPhone mockup of viewing and editing a line that was drawn by a user
Small image showing a share with teams feature
Ignis Connect icon

Streamlined Teams Management

Divide the organization into smaller, focused teams. Distribute map data tailored to each team, easily join multiple teams for different mission objectives and switch between them in the mobile app on the go.

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Shared Document

& Data Storage

Experience organization and accessibility with IGNIS Connect's comprehensive document and data storage system. Store documents, points, lines, polygons, and maps within a single platform. Share crucial information with every member of your forest organization, while also segmenting information to specific teams.

Small image showing import document feature
IGNIS web app mockup of teams and members screen
Small image showing how to view team member information
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Intuitive Administrative Web Application

IGNIS Connect features an intuitive administrative web application. Effortlessly construct your organization, extend invites to users, and efficiently manage teams within the organization—all in one centralized hub.

Discover our Flexible Plan Choices

IGNIS Connect can scale to accommodate plans of any size, from 2 to 1000+ users.
this page for online checkout instructions.

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Buy Online


For groups of 30 or less, purchase IGNIS Connect via self-serve checkout:

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Accounts of 31 seats or more benefit from enterprise level service and support.

Compare Features

Orange topography lines background image
Basic Map Layers
Points, Lines, & Polygons
Fireline Resources & Tools
Fire Weather Dashboard
Unlimited PDF Storage
Advanced Wildfire Map Layers
Early Access to New Features
3D Map Mode
Offline Base Maps
Offline Data Sharing
Teams Dashboard & Data Storage
Admin Portal
Early Partner Pricing

Reach Out to Our Team About IGNIS Connect Enterprise Accounts

For Orgs and Teams needing 30 Seats or Less, Checkout Now

Learn More About What We Do

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